Details of rehabilitative therapies and techniques
- Balneotherapy
- CardioWave
- Corpus-Concept
- Digitale Photoanalysis by Werding
- Elektrodiagnostics
- Extensions - dry or under water
- Functional Respiratory Gymnastics
- Group Therapy (Instructions for independent practice)
- Heidelberger Rehabilitation Model
- Inhalation Therapy - Oxygen Inhalation Therapy
- Kneipp Hose Treatment
- Complete Decongestive Therapy
- Interdisciplinary rehabilitation therapy
- Physiotherapy in the exercise pool
- Physiotherapy according to Brunkow, Brügger, Lehnert-Schroth
- Cryo-Therapy (Kälte-Therapie)
- Laser Therapy
- Locomotorsystem - the “Werding Suspended Walking Apparatus”®
- Manual Therapy according to Cyriax, DGMM, Dorn-Hock, Mc Kenzie
- Massages
- Medical Training Therapy and Analysis
- Neurophysiological Physiotherapy according to Bobath, PNF-Kabat. E-Technik
- Oscillation Therapy
- Preventative measures like spinal rehabilitation training, spinal gymnastics, Nordic walking, osteoporosis gymnastics, pelvic- floor exercises.
- Rehabilitation sport
- Spinal rehabilitation training
- Sling table - physiotherapy on the sling table