Certified Advanced Training Centre
We also house the Academy of Advanced Training in Physiotherapy, Sport Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, certified by vdek for advanced training in medical training therapy, restorative therapy and physiotherapy equipment, making it licensed by every cost bearer, as well as for training back school teachers and teachers of osteoporosis gymnastics and pelvic floor gymnastics. It is also recognised by every health insurance fund and cost bearer.
In addition to the scientific cooperation between the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences and the Rehazentrum Kreuzberg EAP, which has existed since 2001, there has also been an academic cooperation agreement since November 30, 2009:
As part of the “PHYSIOTHERAPY (Bachelor Sc.)” Academic course, the students of the Private University Fresenius Idstein conduct the clinical internship in the outpatient rehabilitation center Kreuzberg, M & M Werding in Merzig.