The Team around Maximilian Werding ...
Rehab management:
Maximilian Werding
Physiotherapist (kinesiologists), sports physiotherapists, masseurs, medical balneotherapists, manual therapists, therapists for neurological rehabilitation
Rehab doctors:
Specialists for surgery / trauma surgery / orthopaedic surgery / hand surgery and doctors for rehabilitation, chirotherapy, and nutrition science
Therapeutical management:
Maximilian Werding
Physiotherapist (kinesiologists), sports physiotherapists, masseurs, medical balneotherapists, manual therapists, therapists for neurological rehabilitation
Maria Werding,
Graduated Registered nurse/lymph drainage therapist/reflex zone therapist/graduate in management
Expanded outpatient rehabilitation:
orthopaedic traumatological, surgical, neurological
Sports rehabilitation:
All injuries associated with competitive sports.
Practice for Physiotherapy, Massage and Spa Therapy:
authorised by all insurance funds.
Cardiological Rehabilitation:
in accordance with the Heidelberg Model.
Health Training Courses as well as Rehabilitation Sports:
Back-training school, spine gymnastics, Nordic walking, osteoporosis gymnastics, gymnastics for rheumatic patients, aqua-jogging gymnastics, aqua-jogging training, pelvic base gymnastics and special fitness training as well as rehabilitation sports.
Kurse Gesundheitstraining sowie Rehasport:
Rückenschule, Wirbelsäulengymnastik, Nordic-Walking, Osteoporose-Gymnastik, Gymnastik für Rheumakranke, Aquajogging-Gymnastik, Aquajogging-Training, Beckenbodengymnastik und spezielles Fitnesstraining sowie Rehasport.
Academy for Physiotherapy Advanced Training, instructor training for sports physiotherapy and rehabilitation gymnastics, certified advanced training for medical gymnastics and body restorative therapies, as well as disability- and sickness gymnastic equipment, accepted and recognised by accident- and sickness insurance funds as well as by all benefit indemnifiers, and in addition training as instructors for back-training, osteoporosis- and pelvic-base gymnastics. Also accepted and recognised by all accident- and sickness insurance funds and all benefit indemnifiers. Specialist scientific collaboration with the Fresenius Polytechnic in Idstein, Germany.