The "Werding Suspended Walking Apparatus" ®

- operations on the foot, ankle and knee joints,
- hemiplegia (paralysis on one side of the body) and apoplectic insult (stroke),
- multiple sclerosis,
- Parkinson's disease,
- and other disorders of the reciprocal innervation mechanism.
This system cannot be substituted by water therapy . It enables the patient to undertake physiologically correct walking and body movements on a treadmill or trampoline while the lower extremities are in an apparently weightless state. As it is not a pool-based therapy, the patient is not affected by water drag, buoyancy or hydrostatic pressure. The technique permits coordinated movements to be trained, re-educating the patient to adopt a physiologically correct gait under conditions of total, semi- or partial weightlessness.
Extension technique using the "Werding Suspended Walking Apparatus" ®:
A unique extension method, in which the locomotor apparatus permits spinal extension while the suspended ("weightless") patient is performing upright physiologically correct movements - something that is impossible in water therapy. Suitable for the treatment of acute disorders and for rehabilitation after hip operations.